Product Support

Manhattan T4•R

Video in apps buffers, stutters or stops altogether

Possible Causes & Solutions

Your broadband is not fast enough. A minimum of 3Mbps is recommended for internet video. Faster broadband may still be affected by usage from other devices, reducing the speed available for the T4-R.

Check your broad­band speed with your inter­net pro­vider and try run­ning an online speed test on a com­puter or mobile device. If the speed you are get­ting is less than expec­ted there may be oth­er devices on your net­work using band­width. Try dis­con­nect­ing them.

Your T4-R is using your Wi-Fi at the same time as too many other devices.

Dis­con­nect oth­er devices from your Wi-Fi or con­nect your T4‑R to your inter­net router with an Eth­er­net cable.

The Wi-Fi signal from your internet router is poor. You can check the Wi-Fi signal by going to: Settings > Internet.

Try adjust­ing the loc­a­tion of your Wi-Fi router and/​or its antenna(s). Also try mov­ing the T4‑R itself. Altern­at­ively, con­nect your T4‑R to your inter­net router with an Eth­er­net cable.

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