Knowledge Base

Guide to the remote’s buttons

Standby on/​off
TV Standby on/​off (see p.16)
TV input selec­tion (see p.16)
Fast For­ward
Open the Set­tings menu
Open the TV Guide
Show the Chan­nel Browser when watch­ing TV or More Info for a high­lighted programme
Nav­ig­ate through menus and con­firm selection
Go back a step in menus
Exit menus & apps
Open the Fea­tured menu
Open the Search menu
Open the Home Screen
Turn volume up/​down
Change chan­nel when watch­ing TV or nav­ig­ate menu pages
Mute volume
Swap to the last chan­nel viewed when watch­ing TV or per­form the on-screen func­tion in menus
Col­our But­tons: Per­form the on-screen function
-Enter a chan­nel number
Show the Sub­titles & Audio Descrip­tion menu when watch­ing TV
Zoom in on menus