Knowledge Base

Your {{shortmodel}} Remote

Guide to the remote’s buttons

Standby on/​off
TV Standby on/​off (see p.16)
TV input selec­tion (see p.16)
Fast For­ward
Open the Set­tings menu
Open the TV Guide
Show the Chan­nel Browser when watch­ing TV or More Info for a high­lighted programme
Nav­ig­ate through menus and con­firm selection
Go back a step in menus
Exit menus & apps
Open the Fea­tured menu
Open the Search menu
Open the Home Screen
Turn volume up/​down
Change chan­nel when watch­ing TV or nav­ig­ate menu pages
Mute volume
Swap to the last chan­nel viewed when watch­ing TV or per­form the on-screen func­tion in menus
Col­our But­tons: Per­form the on-screen function
-Enter a chan­nel number
Show the Sub­titles & Audio Descrip­tion menu when watch­ing TV
Zoom in on menus

Controlling your TV with the remote

You can teach the five high­lighted but­tons on the T4•R’s remote to con­trol your TV:

  • TV power
  • TV input selection
  • Volume +
  • Volume –
  • Mute

Ini­tially, the Volume and Mute but­tons con­trol your T4•R’s sound. How­ever, for the best sound qual­ity and con­sist­ent volume across your TV’s sources, you can teach these but­tons to con­trol your TV’s volume dir­ectly instead. It’s very import­ant that if doing this you set the volume on your T4•R’s remote to max­im­um before you teach them to con­trol your TV instead, as you will not be able to adjust the T4•R’s volume level once after teach­ing them to con­trol your TV’s volume level instead.

If you have a sound­bar or AV receiv­er that has its own infrared remote con­trol, you also have the option

The and but­tons do noth­ing until you teach them to con­trol these func­tions on your TV.

Learning Steps

Please fol­low the steps below or watch the video to teach the remote how to con­trol your TV.

⚠️ Before Start­ing #

  • Set your T4•R’s volume to max­im­um to ensure the cor­rect volume level from your TV after learn­ing is complete.
  • Put your T4•R in standby to avoid it respond­ing to the T4•R remote dur­ing the learn­ing steps.
  • Place your T4•R and TV remotes on a flat sur­face, facing each oth­er, a small dis­tance apart.

1. Press the S/AD and ZOOM but­tons on the T4•R remote for 3 seconds to enter learn­ing mode.

→ The T4•R remote’s but­ton will glow blue.

2. Press the but­ton on the T4•R remote you want to teach: Volume +, Volume –, Mute, or .

→ The T4•R remote’s but­ton will start blinking.

3. Press and hold the cor­res­pond­ing but­ton on the TV remote.

→ If suc­cess­fully learnt, the light from the T4•R remote’s but­ton will turn off for a second, then turn sol­id blue. → If it fails to be learnt, the light from the T4•R remote’s but­ton will flash 4 times, and you will need to repeat Step 2.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all the but­tons to teach.

5. Press OK on your T4•R remote to exit learn­ing mode.

→ The light from the T4•R remote’s but­ton will turn off.

Test the But­tons #

Test each but­ton with your TV. If a but­ton does not work, repeat the steps to teach it again. Please note that some TVs use non-stand­ard remote sig­nals and may not be com­pat­ible with the T4•R remote.

Pair your and remote to prevent interference with other Manhattan devices

Your T4•R comes with a pair­ing fea­ture that con­nects your remote and box spe­cific­ally to each oth­er. Once paired, only that remote can con­trol that box, and that box will only respond to that remote. This fea­ture is par­tic­u­larly use­ful if you’ve got one or more older Man­hat­tan products that you want to use along­side a T4•R. It allows you to:

  • Use up to nine T4 or T4•R’s in the same room without them inter­fer­ing with each other.
  • Use up to eight T4 or T4•R’s in the same room as a T2•R, T3 or T3•R without any interference.

How to pair a T4•R remote and T4•R box #

While your T4•R is turned on and active:

  1. Press and hold the but­ton and a num­ber but­ton (19) on the T4•R remote for 3 seconds.
  2. A mes­sage will appear on the screen con­firm­ing that the remote and box are paired on that channel.

Import­ant notes about chan­nels #

Chan­nel 0 (Uni­ver­sal)

  • When a remote or box is set to Chan­nel 0, they will work togeth­er regard­less of pairing.
  • On this chan­nel, a T4•R will also respond to T2•R, T3, and T3•R remotes.
  • When you fact­ory reset a T4•R, it will revert to Chan­nel 0, but its remote con­trol will not. How­ever, because Chan­nel 0 is uni­ver­sal, the T4•R will still respond to the T4•R remote.

Chan­nel 1

  • This chan­nel is used by the T2•R, T3, and T3•R.
  • If you pair your T4•R on Chan­nel 1:

    • The T4•R remote will oper­ate T2•R, T3, and T3•R boxes.
    • The T4•R box will respond to T2•R, T3, and T3•R remotes.

Chan­nels 2 – 9

  • These chan­nels are not used by any pre­vi­ous Man­hat­tan models.
  • If you’re using a Man­hat­tan T2•R, T3, or T3•R in the same room as your T4•R, use chan­nels 2 to 9 for pair­ing your T4•R remote and box. This will pre­vent inter­fer­ence between devices.

How to check the chan­nel set­ting of a T4•R remote and T4•R box #

While the T4•R is turned on and active:

  1. On the T4•R remote, press and hold both the and but­tons at the same time for 3 seconds.
  2. The T4•R will dis­play a mes­sage on the screen indic­at­ing its chan­nel number.
  3. The remote’s standby but­ton will flash blue to indic­ate the channel:
    • Flashes cor­res­pond to chan­nel num­ber (e.g., 5 flashes for Chan­nel 5)
    • Sol­id blue for 3 seconds indic­ates Chan­nel 0 (Uni­ver­sal)