Knowledge Base


Take con­trol of live TV with Live Pause on the T4•R:

  • Press to pause TV for up to two hours.
  • Press to go back to any point with­in the last two hours since you star­ted watch­ing the channel.

In either case, you’ll enter Live Pause and the Play­back Bar will be shown. You can use seek­ing, short skip­ping and large leaps as you would dur­ing record­ing play­back. While in Live Pause, press­ing will show the Play­back Bar instead of the Chan­nel Browser.

The T4•R con­tinu­ously records and stores up to the last two hours of the chan­nel you’re watch­ing in a buf­fer. This means that if you’ve been watch­ing a chan­nel for a while, mul­tiple pro­grammes might be in the buf­fer. The Play­back Bar indic­ates the cur­rent pro­gramme and chan­nel you’re watch­ing, and if you rewind past the start of a pro­gramme, the Play­back Bar will update to show the pre­vi­ous programme.

To record the pro­gramme you’re watch­ing, press to record the rest of the pro­gramme, along with any of it that is in the buffer.

Keep in mind that when you change chan­nels, the buf­fer is cleared, and record­ing to the buf­fer starts again.

To return to live TV, simply press or EXIT.