Product Support

Manhattan T4

Why is there no sound from my T4?

If you’ve lost sound on stand­ard defin­i­tion (SD) chan­nels, the most com­mon cause is that your T4’s intern­al volume has been turned down com­pletely. This can hap­pen par­tic­u­larly if your remote’s volume but­tons have been pro­grammed to con­trol your TV or sound­bar instead.

Quick Fix — Reset Volume #

  1. Press Home on your remote
  2. To reset the T4’s intern­al volume to max­im­um, enter this sequence: 951 → RED

Note: This sequence only works from soft­ware ver­sion 2.00. If your T4/T4•R has an earli­er soft­ware ver­sion, please update. You can check the soft­ware ver­sion by going to: Home → Inform­a­tion.

Under­stand­ing the T4’s Audio Sys­tem #

  • The T4 has its own intern­al volume that affects all audio except Dolby from HD channels
  • By default, the T4 remote’s volume but­tons con­trol this intern­al volume
  • When Dolby is enabled (in Pic­ture & Sound Set­tings) and your TV sup­ports Dolby, HD chan­nel audio bypasses the intern­al volume control

Best Prac­tice for Volume Con­trol #

For optim­al sound qual­ity, we recommend:

  1. Set the T4’s intern­al volume to max­im­um (using the reset sequence above)
  2. Use your TV, sound­bar, or AV receiv­er to con­trol the final out­put volume
  3. If you prefer using the T4 remote for volume con­trol, ensure it’s pro­grammed to con­trol your main audio device.

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