Product Support

Manhattan T4

Why is my Bose soundbar responding to my T4 remote?

If your Bose TV Speak­er sound­bar (mod­el 431974) is unex­pec­tedly respond­ing to your T4 remote – for example, chan­ging volume when you press chan­nel but­tons – this is a known issue with that spe­cif­ic Bose model.

How to Fix This #

Bose has released a firm­ware update that resolves this prob­lem. To fix it:

  1. Vis­it the Bose TV Speak­er Firm­ware Update page
  2. Down­load and install the latest firm­ware fol­low­ing Bose’s instructions
  3. After updat­ing, your sound­bar should no longer respond incor­rectly to the T4 remote

Still Hav­ing Issues? #

If the prob­lem con­tin­ues after updat­ing your soundbar’s firmware:

  • Check that the update was suc­cess­fully installed
  • Con­tact Bose Sup­port for help with your soundbar
  • Or con­tact our Cus­tom­er Ser­vice team for addi­tion­al assistance

Note: This issue spe­cific­ally affects the Bose TV Speak­er (mod­el 431974) and may not apply to oth­er Bose sound­bar models.

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