Product Support

Manhattan T4

Why is 103 ITV1 HD showing the wrong regional content?

If you’re see­ing incor­rect region­al news or weath­er on 103 ITV1 HD, it’s because ITV doesn’t provide HD broad­casts for all region­al vari­ations. Some regions share the same ITV1 HD feed, which may not include your spe­cif­ic loc­al content.

To watch loc­al con­tent, switch to the stand­ard defin­i­tion ITV1 chan­nel (usu­ally Chan­nel 3). The SD chan­nel provides the cor­rect region­al pro­gram­ming, includ­ing loc­al news and weather.


  • This situ­ation is due to ITV’s broad­cast arrange­ments and affects all devices, not just the T4.
  • There’s no issue with your device or sig­nal reception.

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