Product Support

Manhattan T4

Why don't some apps like ITVX offer live TV channels on the T4?

Cur­rently, only BBC iPlay­er offers live TV chan­nels with­in its app on the T4. The avail­ab­il­ity of live TV stream­ing with­in apps depends on both the app pro­viders and Freeview Play plat­form requirements.

For now, you can watch all main chan­nels (includ­ing ITV, Chan­nel 4 and oth­ers) through nor­mal Freeview broad­cast when con­nec­ted to an aer­i­al. We expect more apps to add live TV stream­ing fea­tures dur­ing 2025, which will be delivered to your T4 through soft­ware updates as they become available.

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