Knowledge Base

FAQs (T4-R Only)

Can I skip adverts on recorded programmes?

Yes, there are sev­er­al ways to skip adverts in recordings:

  1. Use @fa-remote-ff to speed through con­tent at up to 64x speed. Each press increases the speed.

  2. Press the @fa-remote-d-pad-right to skip for­ward by 30 seconds. This is cus­tom­is­able up to 2 minutes in: Set­tings -> Play­back. If you over­shoot, press @fa-remote-d-pad-left to skip back 10 seconds if you over­shoot. This is also cus­tom­is­able in Set­tings -> Playback.

To learn more about play­back con­trols, see: https://​man​hat​tan​-tv​.com/​s​u​p​p​o​r​t​/​_​_​m​o​d​e​l​_​s​l​u​g​_​_​/​u​s​i​n​g​-​y​o​u​r​-​_​_​m​o​d​e​l​_​s​h​o​r​t​_​s​l​u​g​_​_​/​r​e​c​o​r​d​i​n​g​s​/​p​l​a​yback.

Can I transfer recordings from the T2-R or T3-R to {{shortmodel}}?

Unfor­tu­nately, it’s not pos­sible to move record­ings from your T2•R or T3•R to the short-mod­el. This lim­it­a­tion is due to Freeview’s restric­tions on trans­fer­ring HD record­ings without spe­cif­ic encryp­tion tech­no­lo­gies, which are not imple­men­ted in our devices.

Two key tech­no­lo­gies are required:

  1. DTCP-IP to pro­tect con­tent dur­ing trans­mis­sion over IP net­works with­in a home

  2. AACS to pro­tect con­tent when trans­ferred to anoth­er device, as Freeview allows only one copy to be made

Freeview does per­mit con­tent to be expor­ted as long as it has a max­im­um of 520,000 pixels per frame. This is equi­val­ent to qHD’ (960540 pixels), which is slightly bet­ter than stand­ard defin­i­tion (SD). We are explor­ing the pos­sib­il­ity of the T4•R con­vert­ing HD record­ings to qHD so that we could sup­port export­ing or stream­ing to oth­er devices. How­ever, while this is tech­nic­ally pos­sible, we’re still determ­in­ing wheth­er it’s prac­tic­al to implement.

If you decide to keep both your T2•R or T3•R and short-mod­el, you can use them side by side. To pre­vent the remotes from inter­fer­ing with each oth­er, you can pair your short-mod­el with its remote. For step-by-step instruc­tions on how to do this, please visit: .