Knowledge Base

TV Guide


Open the TV Guide from the Home Screen or by press­ing GUIDE on your T4•R remote. You can browse what’s on over the next week, or catch up on avail­able pro­grammes from the past week.

The top of the screen dis­plays inform­a­tion and actions avail­able for the high­lighted pro­gramme. To watch a pro­gramme or set a remind­er for a future pro­gramme, press OK. Pro­grammes marked with will offer the option to restart them in the channel’s asso­ci­ated app. Pro­grammes marked with are avail­able on demand and can be watched imme­di­ately. Altern­at­ively, you can add them to your Watch­list to watch later by press­ing .

Quickly Navigate

  • Press or to jump a day back­wards or forwards
  • Use the num­ber but­tons to enter a chan­nel num­ber directly
  • Press P‑UP or P‑DOWN to scroll up or down a page at a time

Favourite Channels

Press to add or remove the high­lighted chan­nel from your Favourites.

Changing View

There are three dif­fer­ent views you can choose from by press­ing :

  • Grid: Dis­plays sev­en chan­nels simultaneously
  • Chan­nel: Lists pro­grammes on a single channel
  • Genre: Lists pro­grammes of a spe­cif­ic genre (e.g. movies or sport) 

Filtering by Channel & Accessibility

Press to show fil­ter options. You can fil­ter chan­nels by Favour­ites, TV, HD or Radio, and pro­grammes by Sub­titles, Audio Descrip­tion or Sign Lan­guage. Pro­grammes not match­ing your fil­ter will appear dimmed in the Grid view and hid­den in the Chan­nel and Genre views.

More Info & Episodes

Press to get more inform­a­tion about a pro­gramme, includ­ing show­ings, future epis­odes and epis­odes avail­able to play on demand.