Knowledge Base

The Scheduled Category

This is where you’ll find all your upcom­ing record­ings and remind­ers, with series epis­odes from the next sev­en days grouped into a folder. Press OK to open a folder or view options for sched­uled items, includ­ing can­cel­ling record­ings or series, adding/​removing remind­ers, resolv­ing clashes and skip­ping epis­odes. To change the genre of a sched­uled record­ing or series, press .

Future epis­odes in a series may clash with oth­er sched­uled record­ings. When a clash occurs, a yel­low warn­ing icon will appear on the Sched­uled tab to alert you. Epis­odes that won’t be recor­ded due to the clash can be iden­ti­fied by the Series Record­ing Clash icon next to them. To resolve a clash, select it and press OK.