Knowledge Base


Press to change to the next sort option for your recordings:

  • Most cat­egor­ies are sor­ted New to Old by default, with the new­est record­ings at the top. You can reverse this order or change it to A‑Z for alpha­bet­ic­al sorting.
  • The Sched­uled cat­egory is sor­ted by Upcom­ing, with what’s com­ing up next by default. You can change this to A‑Z for alpha­bet­ic­al sorting.
  • Inside series folders, the order is Old to New by default, with the old­est record­ings at the top. You can reverse this order.
  • The Con­tin­ue cat­egory can’t be sor­ted and always dis­plays your most recently played record­ings at the top.

Your sort choices are remembered for future browsing.