Knowledge Base

Organising Recordings

Press to show options for organ­ising the high­lighted record­ing or folder.

Change Genre

Record­ings are grouped into cat­egor­ies based on their genre. Chan­ging a recording’s genre lets you cus­tom­ise its place­ment with­in the menu, and this change applies to all epis­odes in a series and parts of a split recording.

Mark as Watched/Unwatched

Manu­ally mark a record­ing or entire folder as watched or unwatched using this option. This can be par­tic­u­larly use­ful when com­bined with the fil­ter­ing options.

Keep/Don’t Keep

When the hard drive is full, the T4•R auto-deletes older record­ings to make space for new ones. Select Keep to pro­tect a record­ing from removal.