Product Support

Home Screen & Menus

The Home Screen

Quickly access all your s menus, apps and live pro­grammes from the Home Screen. Press HOME on your remote to open it from anywhere.

Navigating Menus

Use the dir­ec­tion­al pad to nav­ig­ate through menus and press OK to select the high­lighted item. When a pro­gramme is high­lighted, the actions you can take and the related but­tons to press are shown at the top of the screen. For example, you can press OK to watch a live pro­gramme or set a remind­er for an upcom­ing pro­gramme, and press to get more inform­a­tion about a pro­gramme, includ­ing show­ings, future epis­odes and epis­odes avail­able to play on demand.

Press BACK to return to the pre­vi­ous step, such as the cur­rent time when brows­ing the TV Guide, or back to the pre­vi­ous menu.

Exiting Menus & Apps

To close menus and return to full-screen TV, press EXIT. You can also press EXIT to close an app like BBC iPlay­er and return to where you opened it.

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