Knowledge Base

Manhattan T4•R

Using Your T4•R

Home Screen & Menus

The Home Screen

Quickly access all your short-model’s menus, apps and live pro­grammes from the Home Screen. Press HOME on your short-mod­el remote to open it from anywhere.

Navigating Menus

Use the dir­ec­tion­al pad to nav­ig­ate through menus and press OK to select the high­lighted item. When a pro­gramme is high­lighted, the actions you can take and the related but­tons to press are shown at the top of the screen. For example, you can press OK to watch a live pro­gramme or set a remind­er for an upcom­ing pro­gramme, and press to get more inform­a­tion about a pro­gramme, includ­ing show­ings, future epis­odes and epis­odes avail­able to play on demand.

Press BACK to return to the pre­vi­ous step, such as the cur­rent time when brows­ing the TV Guide, or back to the pre­vi­ous menu.

Exiting Menus & Apps

To close menus and return to full-screen TV, press EXIT. You can also press EXIT to close an app like BBC iPlay­er and return to where you opened it.

Watching TV

Browsing Channels & Programmes

While watch­ing TV, press to show the Chan­nel Browser. Use the dir­ec­tion­al pad to browse what’s on later or on oth­er chan­nels. If you’ve added Favour­ite Chan­nels, press to cycle through them.

For more inform­a­tion about a high­lighted pro­gramme, includ­ing show­ings, future epis­odes and epis­odes avail­able to play on demand, press again.

Changing Channels

  • Press P‑UP or P‑DOWN to go up or down a channel
  • Use the num­ber but­tons to dir­ectly enter a chan­nel number
  • Press to return to the last chan­nel viewed

Live Pause

Accessibility Options

Zoom Menus

Press ZOOM on your short-mod­el remote to enlarge menus for easi­er view­ing. To return to nor­mal size, press ZOOM again.

Accessibility Settings & Menu Preferences

Press HOME and select Set­tings to cus­tom­ise access­ib­il­ity and menu pref­er­ences. Choose Access­ib­il­ity & Lan­guage for Sub­titles and Audio Descrip­tion options, and Menu Pref­er­ences to adjust menu trans­par­ency, the default TV Guide view and more.

Filter Programmes

All menus allow you to fil­ter pro­grammes by Sub­titles, Audio Descrip­tion or Sign Lan­guage. The cur­rent fil­ter status is dis­played on-screen along­side a hint to press to show fil­ter options. By default, fil­ters are cleared after the short-mod­el enters standby. To change this, press HOME and go to: Set­tings > Menu Pref­er­ences > Clear Fil­ters Auto­mat­ic­ally.

Subtitles & Audio Description

While watch­ing TV, press S/AD, then select the on-screen option to turn Sub­titles or Audio Descrip­tion on or off.

TV Guide


Open the TV Guide from the Home Screen or by press­ing GUIDE on your short-mod­el remote. You can browse what’s on over the next week, or catch up on avail­able pro­grammes from the past week.

The top of the screen dis­plays inform­a­tion and actions avail­able for the high­lighted pro­gramme. To watch a pro­gramme or set a remind­er for a future pro­gramme, press OK. Pro­grammes marked with will offer the option to restart them in the channel’s asso­ci­ated app. Pro­grammes marked with are avail­able on demand and can be watched imme­di­ately. Altern­at­ively, you can add them to your Watch­list to watch later by press­ing .

Quickly Navigate

  • Press or to jump a day back­wards or forwards
  • Use the num­ber but­tons to enter a chan­nel num­ber directly
  • Press P‑UP or P‑DOWN to scroll up or down a page at a time

Favourite Channels

Press to add or remove the high­lighted chan­nel from your Favourites.

Changing View

There are three dif­fer­ent views you can choose from by press­ing :

  • Grid: Dis­plays sev­en chan­nels simultaneously
  • Chan­nel: Lists pro­grammes on a single channel
  • Genre: Lists pro­grammes of a spe­cif­ic genre (e.g. movies or sport) 

Filtering by Channel & Accessibility

Press to show fil­ter options. You can fil­ter chan­nels by Favour­ites, TV, HD or Radio, and pro­grammes by Sub­titles, Audio Descrip­tion or Sign Lan­guage. Pro­grammes not match­ing your fil­ter will appear dimmed in the Grid view and hid­den in the Chan­nel and Genre views.

More Info & Episodes

Press to get more inform­a­tion about a pro­gramme, includ­ing show­ings, future epis­odes and epis­odes avail­able to play on demand.



Your short-mod­el can record two pro­grammes at the same time as you watch a third chan­nel with live pause. If you try to record more than two pro­grammes at once, the short-mod­el will alert you and provide options to resolve the clash, includ­ing altern­at­ive broad­casts if available.

To view and man­age your record­ings, sched­uled record­ings and remind­ers, open Record­ings from the Home Screen or press RECS on your short-mod­el remote. The menu is divided into cat­egor­ies dis­played as tabs across your screen. The Sched­uled cat­egory is always shown, while oth­ers appear when they con­tain record­ings. To get around, use the dir­ec­tion­al pad to nav­ig­ate between cat­egor­ies and recordings.

The main cat­egor­ies are:

  • Sched­uled: Your planned record­ings and reminders.
  • All: A com­plete list of all your recordings.
  • Con­tin­ue: Record­ings or series you’re in the middle of watching.
  • Series: Record­ings that are part of a series.
  • Kept: Record­ings you’ve chosen to keep, that won’t be deleted automatically. 
  • Recently Deleted: Deleted record­ings that can be recovered.

Addi­tion­ally, genres like Movies, Sport and Kids will appear as cat­egor­ies when there are one or more record­ings in that genre.

Record­ings from a series or pro­grammes split into mul­tiple parts are auto­mat­ic­ally organ­ised into folders. To play a record­ing or open a folder, press OK. If you’ve pre­vi­ously star­ted watch­ing, you’ll have the option to resume or restart playback.

Watched Status

The sol­id circle ‘●’ before a record­ing in the list means you haven’t watched it yet. An empty circle o’ means you’ve star­ted but not fin­ished it. When a par­tially watched record­ing is high­lighted, a blue bar indic­ates your progress.

Organising Recordings

Press to show options for organ­ising the high­lighted record­ing or folder.

Change Genre

Record­ings are grouped into cat­egor­ies based on their genre. Chan­ging a recording’s genre lets you cus­tom­ise its place­ment with­in the menu, and this change applies to all epis­odes in a series and parts of a split recording.

Mark as Watched/Unwatched

Manu­ally mark a record­ing or entire folder as watched or unwatched using this option. This can be par­tic­u­larly use­ful when com­bined with the fil­ter­ing options.

Keep/Don’t Keep

When the hard drive is full, the T4•R auto-deletes older record­ings to make space for new ones. Select Keep to pro­tect a record­ing from removal.

Deleting & Recovering Recordings

Press to delete a record­ing or folder. By default, there’s no warn­ing when delet­ing a record­ing, but a warn­ing appears for folders. You can change this in: Set­tings > Record­ing & Play­back. If you acci­dent­ally delete some­thing, you can recov­er it from the Recently Deleted tab for up to 30 days or until space is needed.

Filtering Recordings

Press to show fil­ter options. You can fil­ter record­ings by watched status, as well as the avail­ab­il­ity of Sub­titles, Audio Descrip­tion or Sign Lan­guage. Record­ings, cat­egor­ies and folders that don’t match the fil­ter will be hid­den. Please note that the Sched­uled and Recently Deleted cat­egor­ies can­not be filtered.

Dur­ing record­ing, a white LED on the front of the T4•R will be vis­ible. You can dis­able this in standby by going to: Set­tings > Record­ing & Play­back.


Press to change to the next sort option for your recordings:

  • Most cat­egor­ies are sor­ted New to Old by default, with the new­est record­ings at the top. You can reverse this order or change it to A‑Z for alpha­bet­ic­al sorting.
  • The Sched­uled cat­egory is sor­ted by Upcom­ing, with what’s com­ing up next by default. You can change this to A‑Z for alpha­bet­ic­al sorting.
  • Inside series folders, the order is Old to New by default, with the old­est record­ings at the top. You can reverse this order.
  • The Con­tin­ue cat­egory can’t be sor­ted and always dis­plays your most recently played record­ings at the top.

Your sort choices are remembered for future browsing.

The Scheduled Category

This is where you’ll find all your upcom­ing record­ings and remind­ers, with series epis­odes from the next sev­en days grouped into a folder. Press OK to open a folder or view options for sched­uled items, includ­ing can­cel­ling record­ings or series, adding/​removing remind­ers, resolv­ing clashes and skip­ping epis­odes. To change the genre of a sched­uled record­ing or series, press .

Future epis­odes in a series may clash with oth­er sched­uled record­ings. When a clash occurs, a yel­low warn­ing icon will appear on the Sched­uled tab to alert you. Epis­odes that won’t be recor­ded due to the clash can be iden­ti­fied by the Series Record­ing Clash icon next to them. To resolve a clash, select it and press OK.


To pause or resume play­back, press either or OK. There are mul­tiple ways to con­trol and nav­ig­ate your recordings:

  • Seek­ing: Press or to rewind or fast for­ward, increas­ing the speed with each press. Press the oppos­ite but­ton to decrease the speed.
  • Short Skips: Press to skip back 10 seconds or to skip for­ward 30 seconds. To change the inter­vals, go to: Set­tings > Record­ings & Play­back > Play­back Options.
  • Large Leaps: Hold or to jump in incre­ments of 10% of the recording.
  • Go To Spe­cif­ic Time: Press to open the Go To menu. Use the num­ber but­tons to enter a spe­cif­ic time, or press again to restart playback.

To stop play­back and return to Record­ings, press or EXIT. By default, record­ings in folders will play con­tinu­ously through, but this can be changed by going to: Set­tings > Record­ing & Play­back > Play­back Options.

Live Pause


Take con­trol of live TV with Live Pause on the short-model:

  • Press to pause TV for up to two hours.
  • Press to go back to any point with­in the last two hours since you star­ted watch­ing the channel.

In either case, you’ll enter Live Pause and the Play­back Bar will be shown. You can use seek­ing, short skip­ping and large leaps as you would dur­ing record­ing play­back. While in Live Pause, press­ing will show the Play­back Bar instead of the Chan­nel Browser.

The short-mod­el con­tinu­ously records and stores up to the last two hours of the chan­nel you’re watch­ing in a buf­fer. This means that if you’ve been watch­ing a chan­nel for a while, mul­tiple pro­grammes might be in the buf­fer. The Play­back Bar indic­ates the cur­rent pro­gramme and chan­nel you’re watch­ing, and if you rewind past the start of a pro­gramme, the Play­back Bar will update to show the pre­vi­ous programme.

To record the pro­gramme you’re watch­ing, press to record the rest of the pro­gramme, along with any of it that is in the buffer.

Keep in mind that when you change chan­nels, the buf­fer is cleared, and record­ing to the buf­fer starts again.

To return to live TV, simply press or EXIT.

Featured & On Demand


Open Fea­tured from the Home Screen to explore top on-demand pro­grammes from all your favour­ite broad­casters, arranged into cat­egor­ies like Com­edy, Movies and Sport. Use the dir­ec­tion­al pad to browse through the cat­egor­ies and pro­grammes, or press to dis­play the com­plete list of cat­egor­ies for selection.

On Demand pro­grammes are marked with the icon and can also be found in the TV Guide, Search Res­ults and More Info. Press OK to play them in their asso­ci­ated play­er app, or to add them to your Watch­list for later viewing.



Open Watch­list from the Home Screen to browse your col­lec­tion of On Demand pro­grammes. When a pro­gramme is high­lighted, its avail­ab­il­ity is shown at the top of the screen. After expir­ing, it will move to the Recently Expired sec­tion for 14 days before remov­al. To remove a pro­gramme from your Watch­list, press .

Open Watch­list from the Home Screen to browse your col­lec­tion of On Demand pro­grammes. When a pro­gramme is high­lighted, its avail­ab­il­ity is shown at the top of the screen. After expir­ing, it will move to the Recently Expired sec­tion for 14 days before remov­al. To remove a pro­gramme from your Watch­list, press .



To find broad­cast and on demand pro­grammes, open Search from the Home Screen or by press­ing SEARCH on your short-mod­el remote.

Enter a programme’s name using the on-screen key­board and sug­ges­tions will appear as you type. To view the res­ults, high­light a sug­ges­tion or your search term and press OK.

Recent Searches

When you open Search, your recent searches will be dis­played for quick selec­tion. To clear all recent searches, press before enter­ing a search term. Altern­at­ively, to remove only a spe­cif­ic search, high­light it and press .



To add a remind­er for an upcom­ing pro­gramme, high­light it and press OK. To can­cel the remind­er, press OK again while the pro­gramme is high­lighted. You can find all your remind­ers in the Sched­uled sec­tion of Record­ings.

Remind­ers alert you shortly before a pro­gramme begins. By default, remind­ers are shown only when the short-mod­el is act­ive and not in standby. To watch the pro­gramme, select Watch before the remind­er count­down ends. If not selec­ted in time, the remind­er will be can­celled and the chan­nel will not change.

There’s a set­ting called Remind­er Auto Watch that you can change by press­ing HOME and going to Set­tings > Sys­tem. When enabled, the short-mod­el will auto­mat­ic­ally switch on from standby for the remind­er and change to the appro­pri­ate chan­nel. If the short-mod­el is already act­ive, remind­ers will appear as nor­mal, with the chan­nel chan­ging auto­mat­ic­ally once the count­down ends.