Land of soaps and glory

Blog > What to watch
19 Oct • 6 min read

We’ve all done it - spent time dreaming up unlikely scenarios from our favourite shows. But have you ever wondered what would happen if the nation's creme de la creme of soaps were to join forces? Weatherfield residents blown away by the inflated prices for pint in the Queen Vic. Or our favourites from Hollyoaks having to acclimatise to the rural Yorkshire Dales. The possibilities are truly endless. And the good news is - our dreams are being turned into a reality.

On the back of the joint announcement from Eastenders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks that all four will be crossing paths for a special to shine a light on the fight against climate change, we have a very simple question. Which storylines are we most excited about potentially witnessing?

When dreams turn to nightmares

If you read our recent piece on British TV's Greatest Villains - you’ll know that soap-land is rife with dastardly characters. So, what would happen if they teamed up? We don’t know about you, but we’d love to see Emmerdale’s Paul Ashdale square up to Walford's most infamous hardman, Phil Mitchell. It’s going to be interesting to see how the storylines pan out - although we could see Phil heading off on one of his dodgy business trips again, this time ending up in Yorkshire where he comes to blows with fellow lover of talking with fists, Paul.

We could even see them join forces for a business deal to take down an even bigger villain from the cobbled streets in Manchester. It would come as no surprise to see Corrie’s Gary Windass up to his neck in another sticky situation - and what better way to ensure sparks fly than putting these three colourful characters together?

Love is in the air, but where?

Apart from where they’re set, each of the four soaps are vastly different. One thing they have in common though is that love - and often love triangles - absolutely underpin them all. We think Coronation Street’s Tyronne has got enough romance on his plate at the moment though, so we’ll leave him out of this.

We’ve seen Hollyoaks’ Fergus Collins pining after ex-girlfriend, Trish ever since he arrived. It’s about time he turned his attention elsewhere if you ask us! Albert Square is just the place. With dating app relationships normalised like never before, we could quite easily see Fergus hooking up with Eastenders’ Sonia Fowler after hitting it off online. And I’m sure we’d all agree, Sonia is long overdue a lucky break when it comes to love. We just hope Fergus would give her the attention she deserves if they were to get together!

The greater good

Amidst all the madness, we can’t forget the real reason for this mash-up of soap brilliance. With that in mind, we need to make sure whoever is championing the important cause this is all for is as passionate as they are loud. Speaking of loud, Walford’s Karen Taylor is the perfect pick for Eastenders. Despite not being someone you’d immediately associate with being an activist, Karen is the perfect spokesperson for The Square. And there’s no doubt you’ll be able to hear the message she is getting across.

As for Corrie, look no further than Nina Lucas. After what’s been a tragic year for the youngster, we reckon speaking out about the climate crisis is the ideal starting point for her to press the reset button on her life. Quite the team we’ve assembled so far, isn’t it? Hollyoaks’ Timmy Simons only makes it stronger! The brains of the operation and certainly not someone to be messed with, we’d love to see Tommy alongside Nina and Karen for what would be a brilliantly dysfunctional combination.

Now you know what we’ve like you see when our soap worlds collide, we want to know what you think! Let us know on Facebook or Twitter, or if you have more to say, email us - we'd love to hear from you!