Knowledge Base

What is the USB port on the used for?

The USB port on your T4•R has two main functions:

  1. Soft­ware Updates

    • Install soft­ware updates when an inter­net con­nec­tion isn’t available
    • Down­load updates from our web­site and trans­fer them via USB stick
  2. Dia­gnost­ic Purposes

    • Export sys­tem logs when troubleshoot­ing issues with our sup­port team
    • Store dia­gnost­ic inform­a­tion that can help identi­fy problems

Import­ant: The USB port can­not be used for:

  • Play­ing media files
  • Expand­ing record­ing storage
  • Trans­fer­ring record­ings to or from oth­er devices

For soft­ware updates and instruc­tions on using a USB stick, vis­it the T4’s soft­ware updates page.

The USB port on your T4•R has two main functions:

  1. Soft­ware Updates

    • Install soft­ware updates when an inter­net con­nec­tion isn’t available
    • Down­load updates from our web­site and trans­fer them via USB stick
  2. Dia­gnost­ic Purposes

    • Export sys­tem logs when troubleshoot­ing issues with our sup­port team
    • Store dia­gnost­ic inform­a­tion that can help identi­fy problems

Import­ant: The USB port can­not be used for:

  • Play­ing media files
  • Expand­ing record­ing storage
  • Trans­fer­ring record­ings to or from oth­er devices

For soft­ware updates and instruc­tions on using a USB stick, vis­it the T4•R’s soft­ware updates page.