Knowledge Base

How is padding handled with consecutive recordings?

Auto­mat­ic Pad­ding (Default) #

The T4•R uses broad­caster sig­nals to determ­ine when pro­grammes actu­ally start and end. This means record­ings should start and end accur­ately when broad­caster sig­nalling is correct.

For con­sec­ut­ive record­ings on the same chan­nel, the T4•R will seam­lessly trans­ition from one record­ing to the next, ensur­ing you don’t miss any­thing between programmes.

When record­ing across dif­fer­ent chan­nels, the T4•R’s dual tuners allow it to record two chan­nels sim­ul­tan­eously. How­ever, when both tuners are in use and a new record­ing needs to start on anoth­er chan­nel, the T4•R will stop record­ing the first pro­gramme at its sched­uled end time and start the new record­ing at its sched­uled start time. This means if the first pro­gramme runs late or the new pro­gramme starts early, you might miss some content.

Manu­al Pad­ding #

When you set manu­al pad­ding, the T4•R man­ages con­sec­ut­ive record­ings to max­im­ise cov­er­age while work­ing with­in tuner limitations.

Con­sec­ut­ive Record­ings on the Same Channel

To ensure the most import­ant con­tent is cap­tured, the T4•R adjusts pad­ding between con­sec­ut­ive recordings:

  • The first record­ing in a sequence gets start pad­ding only
  • Any middle record­ings get no padding
  • The last record­ing gets end pad­ding only

If pro­grammes don’t start or end exactly on time, you may find the begin­ning or end of a pro­gramme included in the adja­cent recording.

Con­sec­ut­ive Record­ings on Dif­fer­ent Channels

The T4•R’s two tuners allow it to record two chan­nels sim­ul­tan­eously, but this cre­ates some con­straints when hand­ling padding:

  • When both tuners are in use and new record­ings need to start, the T4•R may need to omit end pad­ding from earli­er record­ings and start pad­ding from new recordings
  • For example, if two record­ings are end­ing and two new record­ings are sched­uled to start on dif­fer­ent chan­nels, pad­ding will be omit­ted from all record­ings to ensure the core pro­gramme con­tent is captured