Knowledge Base
How is padding handled with consecutive recordings?
Automatic Padding (Default) #
The T4•R uses broadcaster signals to determine when programmes actually start and end. This means recordings should start and end accurately when broadcaster signalling is correct.
For consecutive recordings on the same channel, the T4•R will seamlessly transition from one recording to the next, ensuring you don’t miss anything between programmes.
When recording across different channels, the T4•R’s dual tuners allow it to record two channels simultaneously. However, when both tuners are in use and a new recording needs to start on another channel, the T4•R will stop recording the first programme at its scheduled end time and start the new recording at its scheduled start time. This means if the first programme runs late or the new programme starts early, you might miss some content.
Manual Padding #
When you set manual padding, the T4•R manages consecutive recordings to maximise coverage while working within tuner limitations.
Consecutive Recordings on the Same Channel
To ensure the most important content is captured, the T4•R adjusts padding between consecutive recordings:
- The first recording in a sequence gets start padding only
- Any middle recordings get no padding
- The last recording gets end padding only
If programmes don’t start or end exactly on time, you may find the beginning or end of a programme included in the adjacent recording.
Consecutive Recordings on Different Channels
The T4•R’s two tuners allow it to record two channels simultaneously, but this creates some constraints when handling padding:
- When both tuners are in use and new recordings need to start, the T4•R may need to omit end padding from earlier recordings and start padding from new recordings
- For example, if two recordings are ending and two new recordings are scheduled to start on different channels, padding will be omitted from all recordings to ensure the core programme content is captured