Knowledge Base

How does auto-deletion work on the , and how can I keep important recordings?

The T4•R auto­mat­ic­ally man­ages stor­age space by delet­ing older record­ings when needed. Here’s how it works:

Auto-Dele­tion Pro­cess #

When space is needed for new record­ings, the T4•R will:

  1. First delete con­tent from the Recently Deleted section
  2. Then delete the old­est record­ings that aren’t marked as Keep’
  3. Nev­er delete record­ings marked as Keep’

Recently Deleted Record­ings #

  • Deleted record­ings move to the Recently Deleted section
  • They stay there for 30 days unless space is needed sooner
  • You can recov­er these record­ings at any time before they’re per­man­ently deleted

Keep­ing Import­ant Record­ings #

To pre­vent record­ings from being auto­mat­ic­ally deleted:

  1. Go to Home → Recordings
  2. High­light the record­ing you want to keep
  3. Press
  4. Select Keep

Note: You can keep record­ings up to 80% of your total stor­age capa­city. You’ll see a warn­ing if you try to exceed this limit.

Import­ant Tips #

  • The T4•R won’t warn you before auto-delet­ing record­ings that aren’t marked as Keep’
  • Kept record­ings show a Keep’ icon in the Record­ings menu
  • Reg­u­larly check your record­ings and mark any as Keep’ that you want to save long-term
  • You can remove Keep’ status by press­ing again and select­ing Don’t Keep

To check avail­able stor­age space, press RECS on your remote — the free space per­cent­age is shown at the top of the screen.