Knowledge Base
How does auto-deletion work on the , and how can I keep important recordings?
The T4•R automatically manages storage space by deleting older recordings when needed. Here’s how it works:
Auto-Deletion Process #
When space is needed for new recordings, the T4•R will:
- First delete content from the Recently Deleted section
- Then delete the oldest recordings that aren’t marked as ‘Keep’
- Never delete recordings marked as ‘Keep’
Recently Deleted Recordings #
- Deleted recordings move to the Recently Deleted section
- They stay there for 30 days unless space is needed sooner
- You can recover these recordings at any time before they’re permanently deleted
Keeping Important Recordings #
To prevent recordings from being automatically deleted:
- Go to Home → Recordings
- Highlight the recording you want to keep
- Press
- Select Keep
Note: You can keep recordings up to 80% of your total storage capacity. You’ll see a warning if you try to exceed this limit.
Important Tips #
- The T4•R won’t warn you before auto-deleting recordings that aren’t marked as ‘Keep’
- Kept recordings show a ‘Keep’ icon in the Recordings menu
- Regularly check your recordings and mark any as ‘Keep’ that you want to save long-term
- You can remove ‘Keep’ status by pressing again and selecting Don’t Keep
To check available storage space, press RECS on your remote — the free space percentage is shown at the top of the screen.