Knowledge Base

How do I watch a recording while it's still being recorded?

You can start watch­ing a pro­gramme while it’s still being recor­ded on your T4•R:

  1. Press RECS on your remote
  2. Find the pro­gramme cur­rently record­ing (marked with a red record­ing icon)
  3. Press OK to start watch­ing from the beginning

While watch­ing:

  • The play­back bar shows:
    • A white dot for your cur­rent position
    • A red bar show­ing how much has been recorded
    • A grey sec­tion for the remain­ing record­ing time
  • You can fast-for­ward up to the cur­rent record­ing point
  • You can’t skip past what has been recorded

Tip: This fea­ture is great for start­ing to watch long pro­grammes like sports events or films before they’ve fin­ished recording.