Knowledge Base

How do I use the Web Remote to control my ?

You can con­trol your {{short­mod­el}} using a vir­tu­al remote on your phone, tab­let or com­puter through any web browser. Your device must be con­nec­ted to the same net­work as your T4•R.

To set up and use the Web Remote:

  1. Enable the Web Remote:

    • Go to Home → Set­tings → Inter­net → Brows­ing Options → Web Remote.
    • Press OK to turn it on.
    • A web address will appear on your TV screen..
  2. Access the Web Remote:

    • Make sure your device is con­nec­ted to the same net­work as your T4•R.
    • Open a web browser on your device.
    • Enter the web address shown on your TV screen into the browser’s address bar.
  3. Use the Web Remote:

    • Once con­nec­ted, a vir­tu­al remote will appear on your screen, work­ing just like your phys­ic­al remote.

Note: The Web Remote can­not cur­rently be used to wake your T4•R from standby mode.