Knowledge Base

How do I hide or delete channels from my ?

You can man­age unwanted chan­nels on your T4•R by either hid­ing or delet­ing them:

  1. Go to Home → Set­tings → Chan­nels → Edit Channels
  2. High­light a chan­nel you want to remove, then:
    • Press to hide the channel
    • Press to delete the channel
  3. Repeat for addi­tion­al channels
  4. Press EXIT when fin­ished and choose Save Changes

Nav­ig­a­tion Tips:

  • Use P+ and P– to skip through pages quickly
  • Type chan­nel num­bers dir­ectly using the num­ber pad
  • Fil­ter chan­nels using to find spe­cif­ic ones more easily

Restor­ing removed chan­nels #

To unhide chan­nels:

  • Return to Edit Chan­nels
  • High­light the hid­den channel
  • Press to unhide it

To restore deleted chan­nels:

  1. Go to Home → Set­tings → Chan­nels → Auto Retune
  2. Choose one of these options:
    • Retune & Keep Pref­er­ences: Keeps your favour­ites, hid­den chan­nels, record­ings, remind­ers and region set­tings. You can choose wheth­er to restore deleted channels.
    • Retune & Clear Pref­er­ences: Clears all set­tings and restores deleted chan­nels. Use this when mov­ing home.