Knowledge Base

How do I customise HDMI-CEC features on my ?

The T4•R sup­ports HDMI-CEC fea­tures, which allows TVs and con­nec­ted devices to con­trol each oth­er through the HDMI cable. You can adjust these set­tings by going to Home → Set­tings → Sys­tem → HDMI Con­trol.

Here are the options available:

  1. Activ­a­tion Sync (Default: On)

    • Auto­mat­ic­ally turns on TVs and con­nec­ted devices when the T4•R is used
    • Puts the T4•R into standby when the TV is switched off
  2. Turn Off Devices (Default: Off)

    • Turns off TVs and con­nec­ted devices when the T4•R is switched off
  3. Auto Power On (Default: Off)

    • Turns on the T4•R when you switch to its HDMI input on your TV
    • Turns on the T4•R when the TV is switched on, as long as the T4•R’s input was last selected

Import­ant: HDMI-CEC must also be enabled on your TV and oth­er con­nec­ted devices. #

Man­u­fac­tur­ers use dif­fer­ent names for HDMI-CEC, such as:

  • Sam­sung: Anynet+
  • Sony: BRAVIA Sync
  • LG: Sim­pLink
  • Panason­ic: VIERA Link
  • Philips: EasyLink
  • Toshiba: Reg­za Link
  • Sharp: Aquos Link

Check your TV or device’s manu­al for instruc­tions on enabling HDMI-CEC features.