Knowledge Base

How do I add programmes to my Watchlist?

You can add on-demand pro­grammes to your Watch­list from vari­ous menus on the T4•R. Here’s how:

Find­ing On-Demand Con­tent #

You can find on-demand pro­grammes in sev­er­al places:

  • Fea­tured: Browse cur­ated carou­sels of on-demand con­tent like Films and Drama
  • TV Guide: Look for pro­grammes marked with (espe­cially when brows­ing back­wards in time)
  • Search: Find on-demand con­tent in ded­ic­ated res­ults carousels
  • More Info: Access addi­tion­al epis­odes and related content

When you high­light an on-demand pro­gramme, you’ll see:

  • The on-demand icon () among oth­er attrib­utes like sub­titles in the inform­a­tion area
  • A hint show­ing you can press to play or to add or remove the pro­gramme from your Watchlist.
  • A large icon next to the pro­gramme title if it’s already in your Watchlist

Adding to Your Watch­list #

Simply press when an on-demand pro­gramme is high­lighted. In the TV Guide, the in the pro­gramme cell will change to (a vari­ation with a bookmark).

To remove it, just press again.

Man­aging Series #

While you can’t cur­rently add entire series to your Watch­list (due to Freeview Play plat­form lim­it­a­tions), there are ways to keep track of series you’re watching:

  • Use the fea­ture to find all avail­able epis­odes — your searches are saved for easy access
  • Press on any epis­ode in your Watch­list to see oth­er avail­able epis­odes in the More Info menu

Adding Con­tent from Apps #

Unfor­tu­nately, you can­not add pro­grammes to your Watch­list from with­in apps like BBC iPlay­er or ITVX, as these apps man­age their own watch­lists sep­ar­ately and don’t provide any way for the T4•R to access them.