Knowledge Base

How can I restart a programme?

Cur­rently, only BBC chan­nels sup­port the abil­ity to restart live pro­grammes on the T4•R. There are a few ways to do this:

  1. Press the Green But­ton:

    • While watch­ing a BBC chan­nel, press the Green but­ton on your remote.
    • This will restart the cur­rent pro­gramme in BBC iPlay­er.
  2. Use the Red But­ton:

    • Press the Red but­ton on your remote while on a BBC channel.
    • This opens the BBC Red But­ton Plus ser­vice, where you can select the option to restart the programme.
  3. Through the TV Guide:

    • Open the TV Guide and nav­ig­ate to the cur­rent BBC programme.
    • If the pro­gramme sup­ports restart, a Restart icon will be displayed.
    • Press OK on the pro­gramme, and you’ll be giv­en the choice to restart it.

Note: Restart­ing a pro­gramme requires an act­ive inter­net con­nec­tion, as it streams the con­tent from BBC iPlayer.