Knowledge Base

How can I check the space remaining for recordings?

There are two ways to check the avail­able stor­age space on your T4•R:

  1. Record­ings Menu:

    • Press the RECS but­ton on your remote to open the Record­ings menu.
    • The avail­able free space is dis­played at the top of the screen as a per­cent­age. This per­cent­age includes space used by pro­grammes in the Recently Deleted section.
    • If you don’t see this inform­a­tion, press the Zoom but­ton on your remote to zoom out. The free space is not vis­ible when zoomed in.
  2. Detailed Stor­age Inform­a­tion:

    • Press Home on your remote.
    • Nav­ig­ate to Inform­a­tion → Hard Drive.
    • Here, you can see the total capa­city, used space, and free space in giga­bytes (GB). This free space does not include pro­grammes in the Recently Deleted section.

Under­stand­ing Hard Drive Capa­city:

  • A 500GB hard drive, when format­ted, provides approx­im­ately 465GB of usable space. This dif­fer­ence is due to how stor­age man­u­fac­tur­ers define giga­bytes (1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes) versus how com­puters cal­cu­late them (1GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes).
  • The EXT4 file sys­tem used by the T4•R reserves about 7.5GB per 500GB for sys­tem use.
  • There­fore, the total avail­able space is slightly less than the advert­ised capa­city, which is stand­ard for all stor­age devices.