Knowledge Base

Does the have the Teletext function? What does the TEXT button do?

The tra­di­tion­al Red But­ton tele­text ser­vice, which used the old MHEG tech­no­logy, is no longer sup­por­ted by new Freeview Play TVs and set-top boxes, includ­ing the T4•R. Mod­ern devices now use HbbTV tech­no­logy to power the Con­nec­ted Red But­ton ser­vice, which requires an inter­net con­nec­tion. For more inform­a­tion, please vis­it the BBC’s Red But­ton help page.

The TEXT but­ton on your remote is required by the UK’s D‑Book TV and HbbTV spe­cific­a­tions and is avail­able for HbbTV apps. How­ever, cur­rently, there are no ser­vices that util­ize it. On the T4•R, the TEXT but­ton doubles as a TEXT/ZOOM button:

  • TEXT Func­tion: Inten­ded for chan­nels and applic­a­tions dur­ing Full Screen TV, although not in use at present.
  • ZOOM Func­tion: When the Man­hat­tan user inter­face is on-screen, press­ing this but­ton adjusts the zoom level of the interface.