Knowledge Base

Can I transfer recordings from the T2-R or T3-R to ?

No, it’s not pos­sible to trans­fer record­ings from the T2‑R or T3‑R to the T4•R. This is due to restric­tions from Freeview that pro­tect HD record­ings using spe­cial encryp­tion, which our devices don’t imple­ment. These include:

  1. DTCP-IP for secure stream­ing or trans­fer­ring of HD recordings.
  2. AACS for lock­ing HD record­ings when copied, allow­ing only one copy to be made.

Even if record­ings were trans­ferred, the receiv­ing device would need to sup­port DTCP-IP and AACS to play them.

While trans­fer­ring SD record­ings is allowed, for con­sist­ency, our devices cur­rently treat all record­ings the same.

Using both record­ers togeth­er? #

If you plan to keep both your T2‑R/T3‑R and T4•R, you can pre­vent remote con­trol inter­fer­ence by pair­ing your T4•R with its remote. See: Pair your T4•R and remote to pre­vent inter­fer­ence with oth­er Man­hat­tan devices.