Knowledge Base

Can I reorder channels on the ?

No, it’s not pos­sible to change the chan­nel order on the T4•R. Freeview Play requires man­u­fac­tur­ers to keep the offi­cial chan­nel numbering.

How­ever, we plan to add a fea­ture that will allow you to reorder chan­nels in your Favour­ites list. This means you’ll be able to cus­tom­ise the chan­nel order when fil­ter­ing by Favour­ites in the TV Guide and Home Screen.

You may have noticed that BBC One HD appears at both chan­nel 1 and 101, with BBC One SD moved to 611. This is part of Freeview Play Chan­nel Man­age­ment, which auto­mat­ic­ally man­ages chan­nels when your T4•R is con­nec­ted to the internet.

If you prefer the tra­di­tion­al Freeview chan­nel num­bers, with SD chan­nels start­ing at 1 and HD chan­nels at 101, please see: Why do BBC HD chan­nels appear twice in my list with Freeview Play Chan­nel Man­age­ment??.