Knowledge Base

Can I play my own videos or media files on the ?

No, the T4•R does not sup­port play­ing videos from USB devices or stream­ing media over your net­work. This includes:

  • Video files stored on USB drives
  • Record­ings from oth­er Freeview recorders
  • Media stream­ing via DLNA or oth­er net­work protocols

While we under­stand this would be a use­ful fea­ture, sup­port­ing media play­back would require extens­ive devel­op­ment to handle the many dif­fer­ent video and audio formats that exist. For now, the T4•R focuses on provid­ing excel­lent Freeview record­ing and play­back capabilities.

If you need to play media files, we recom­mend using a ded­ic­ated media play­er or smart TV apps for this purpose.