Knowledge Base

Can I browse the web on my ?

No, while the T4•R uses a web browser to run stream­ing apps like BBC iPlay­er and ITV Hub, it doesn’t sup­port gen­er­al web browsing.

This design choice helps ensure:

  • Stable and reli­able performance
  • Effi­cient use of sys­tem memory
  • Pro­tec­tion against secur­ity risks
  • Reli­able record­ing func­tion­al­ity (for T4•R)

The pre-installed stream­ing apps are spe­cially optim­ised and tested to work with­in the T4•R’s cap­ab­il­it­ies. Unlike gen­er­al web­sites that can use unpre­dict­able amounts of memory (espe­cially those with advert­ising or social media ele­ments), these apps are designed to work with­in spe­cif­ic memory lim­its to main­tain con­sist­ent performance.