Knowledge Base

Can I skip adverts on recorded programmes?

Yes, there are sev­er­al ways to skip adverts in recordings:

  1. Use @fa-remote-ff to speed through con­tent at up to 64x speed. Each press increases the speed.

  2. Press the @fa-remote-d-pad-right to skip for­ward by 30 seconds. This is cus­tom­is­able up to 2 minutes in: Set­tings -> Play­back. If you over­shoot, press @fa-remote-d-pad-left to skip back 10 seconds if you over­shoot. This is also cus­tom­is­able in Set­tings -> Playback.

To learn more about play­back con­trols, see: https://​man​hat​tan​-tv​.com/​s​u​p​p​o​r​t​/​_​_​m​o​d​e​l​_​s​l​u​g​_​_​/​u​s​i​n​g​-​y​o​u​r​-​_​_​m​o​d​e​l​_​s​h​o​r​t​_​s​l​u​g​_​_​/​r​e​c​o​r​d​i​n​g​s​/​p​l​a​yback.